Friday, November 1, 2013

Iced Matcha Latte

I am using Ten Ren Green Tea Powder from Taiwan because Japanese matcha are just too expensive for my family's pocket and I love to make this drink often. Having found the cheaper alternative also liberated me from using it more often in my other desserts without concerning too much about the cost.

Recipe (makes 1 cup)
-- SimplyFrugalInSG original recipe --

50 ml         warm water
1 1/2 tsp    matcha
1 tbsp        sugar
150 ml       fresh milk
ice cubes

Pour warm water into a cup. Make sure that water is not too hot, preferably not more than 60℃, else matcha will turn bitter. Dissolve sugar and matcha in water.

Add fresh milk.

Lastly, add ice.

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